Participants The different actors involved in the processing of an application for a social inclusion income (REVIS)

  • In the REVIS system there are three actors:

        The National Solidarity Fund (FNS), responsible for the management of REVIS (applications, decisions, payments etc.).
        The National Office for Social Inclusion (ONIS), responsible for the intensive follow-up of beneficiaries and the organisation of stabilisation and/or activation measures.
        The National Employment Agency (ADEM), responsible for the regular follow-up of beneficiaries and the organisation of employment measures.

Conduct of the  REVIS procedure

The REVIS application should be sent to the FNS.

Each REVIS applicant under the age of 65 who is able to work will be profiled by ADEM. This interview, based on a questionnaire, enables ADEM to assess the applicant's ability to integrate into the ordinary labour market and to direct him or her either towards intensive follow-up at ONIS or towards regular follow-up at ADEM.There are

Therefore two possible orientations:

  1. The applicant is deemed fit for the labour market and will be registered with ADEM and followed as a jobseeker. In order to continue to benefit from REVIS, he or she must remain registered with ADEM and actively search for a job.
  2. The applicant has specific needs in terms of social and professional activation and will be referred, on the basis of a substantiated opinion from  ADEM, to ONIS for intensive follow-up after obtaining the REVIS.

The referral is not fixed and can be reviewed according to the evolution of the person.

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