General questions
Contacting the FNS
- Email: fns@secu.lu
- Telephone: +352 491081 - 1
- Post: B.P. 2411, L-1024 Luxembourg
Please always make sure you have your national identification number or your case number from our correspondence.
Fonds national de solidarité
- Address:
- 8-10 rue de la Fonderie 1531 Luxembourg Luxembourg Address: B.P. 2411 L-1024 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- 491081-1
- Email:
- fns@secu.lu
- Visit website:
- Fonds national de solidarité
Has my letter arrived?
The FNS sends confirmation of receipt for any applications submitted. In theory, every document reaches the FNS. Please refrain from calling the FNS to ask if we have received your letter.
The documents required by the National Solidarity Fund are not in an official language of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. What do I need to do?
Please contact the person in charge of your file. They will tell you what to do and whether you need to have the documents translated by an accredited translator.
How can I change the number of the account into which a benefit is paid?
A change of bank account may be requested from the FNS in writing by post or by email to the attention of the correspondent in question, or to the department in charge.
The request for a change of bank account must be accompanied by a bank account identification document (RIB) issued by the financial institution.
It is also important to provide us with the beneficiary's national identification number and/or case number, if applicable.
How do I request a proof of benefits certificate from the FNS?
You can request these certificates on this page.
Why has the National Solidarity Fund placed a mortgage on my property?
Under certain conditions, the legislation allows the restitution of benefits under the social inclusion income, gerontological care and advance on maintenance payments in the event of the beneficiary's "return to better circumstances", a donation and as part of the beneficiary's estate.
To guarantee any subsequent claim for restitution, properties belonging to recipients of inclusion allowance, gerontological care and advance on maintenance payments are encumbered by a legal mortgage required by the FNS.
I do not agree with a decision made by the National Solidarity Fund. What can I do?
You can lodge an objection or appeal against the decision in question.
Decisions by the National Solidarity Fund concerning REVIS, RPGH, education and gerontological care allowances may be appealed to the President of the Conseil Arbitral des Assurances Sociales, 271, route d'Arlon, L-1150 Luxembourg, within 40 days of notification of the decision. The application must be submitted in duplicate.
Decisions taken by the President of the National Solidarity Fund concerning the cost-of-living allowance may be contested within forty days of notification of the decision before the Management Board of the National Solidarity Fund.
Disputes relating to decisions concerning the advance on and recovery of maintenance payments fall within the jurisdiction of the Justice of the Peace of the creditor's place of residence, who must be seized within forty days of notification of the decision by the President of the Fund.
Frequently asked questions about our services
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