FAQ Frequently asked questions about the child-raising pension (FEDUC)

Is the 'Mammerent' child-raising pension paid automatically at the age of 65?

No, you must apply to the National Solidarity Fund using the form provided on the guichet.lu or fns.lu websites.
This form can also be requested by telephone from the Fonds national de solidarité (tel. 491081-1).

Is it payable retroactively due retroactively if the claim is submitted after the age of 65?


Is the pension payable for an adopted child?

Yes, if the claimant was resident in Luxembourg at the time of the child's adoption.

Is the pension payable if the child has since died?

Yes, (however, the pension is not payable for a stillborn child).

Is the pension transferable in the event of the death of the beneficiary to the surviving parent?


Can the pension only be awarded to one of the parents?

No, it can also be awarded to any person who has looked after the child's upbringing in place of the parents.

Do I have to live in Luxembourg to be entitled to the child-raising pension?

No, the pension can also be awarded to people living abroad. However, you must have been resident in Luxembourg at the time of the child's birth.

What is meant by a reduced child-raising pension?

For recipients of a minimum pension supplement, the pension is reduced by the proportion of the supplement resulting from the inclusion of periods of education.

Is the pension still due if the claimant's or spouse's personal pension takes into account "baby-years" for the same child?


Is the pension still payable if a survivor's pension is granted?

Yes, it will be paid jointly with the survivor's pension by the pension fund.

Is the pension taxable?

Yes. The tax return certificate will be sent to you automatically at the beginning of the year of declaration.

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