FAQ Frequently asked questions about the child-raising pension (FEDUC)

Is the 'Mammerent' child-raising pension paid automatically at the age of 65?


No, the application form, which can be found on Guichet.lu must be submitted to the National solidarity fund.

Is it payable retroactively if the application is submitted after the age of 65?


Is the pension payable for an adopted child?

Yes, if the applicant was residing in Luxembourg when they adopted the child.

Is the pension payable if the child has since died?

Yes, (however, the pension is not payable for a stillborn child).

Who can apply for the pension? Is it only the child's mother who can apply for the pension?

A person other than the mother may apply for the pension if they were the main person responsible for the child's upbringing.

Do you have to reside in Luxembourg to be entitled to the pension?

No, the pension is also payable if you reside abroad. You must have been resident in Luxembourg when the child was born.

Is the pension always paid in full or may it also be reduced?

The pension may be reduced if the applicant receives a personal pension with a minimum supplement or a supplement for periods raising a child.

Is the pension still payable if the baby years are already paid with a personal pension?


Is the pension still payable if a survivor's pension is granted?

Yes, the pension is still payable; it will no longer be paid by the FNS but by the Pension Fund alongside the survivor's pension.

Is the pension taxable?

Tax adjustments are made either by an annual adjustment statement or by completing a tax return. An annual 'Mammerent' child-raising pension certificate is sent for your convenience.

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